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KIRAMS articles 검색
KIRAMS articles 검색 결과
학술지 IF 권/호/페이지/발행년 부서 PMID
Predictive Value of 18F-FDG PET/CT Using Machine Learning for Pathological Response to Neoadjuvant Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy in Patients with Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Yoo J, Lee J, Cheon M, 우상근, Ahn MJ, Pyo HR, Choi YS, Han JH, Choi JY
Cancers (Basel) 6.639(20) 14(8):1987 / 2022.4 RI중개연구팀 35454899
Long-Term Survival Outcomes of Elderly Patients Treated With S-1 or Capecitabine Plus Oxaliplatin for Stage II or III Gastric Cancer: A Multicenter Cohort Study
Choi S, Min JS, Jeong SH, Yoo MW, Son YG, Oh SJ, Kim JH, Park JM, Hur H, Jee YS, Hwang SH, 진성호...Kim HI.
Journal of gastric cancer 대한위암학회지 3.720(20) 22(1):67-77 / 2022.3 외과 35425655
Clinical practice guidelines for optimizing bone health in Korean children and adolescents
Lee YA, Kwon A, Kim JH, Nam HK, Yoo JH, 임중섭, Cho SY, Cho WK, Shim KS.
Annals of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism 대한소아내분비학회지 27(1):5-14 / 2022.3 소아청소년과 35368191
Feasibility of Gd-Based prostate cancer targeted magnetic resonance agents using prostate specific membrane antigen
양지웅, 김소연, 안재훈, Kim MH, Kil HS, Chi DY, 이교철, 이용진, 박지애
Biochemical and biophysical research communications BBRC 3.575(20) 607:152-157 / 2022.6 방사성의약품개발팀 외 35367828
3D printing of cell-laden visible light curable glycol chitosan bioink for bone tissue engineering
Chang HK, Yang DH, Ha MY, Kim HJ, 김천호, Kim SH, Choi JW, Chun HJ.
Carbohydrate polymers 9.381(20) 287:119328 / 2022.7 방사선융합연구팀 35422276
In vivo imaging of invasive aspergillosis with 18F-fluorodeoxysorbitol positron emission tomography
Kim DY, Pyo A, Ji S, You SH, Kim SE, Lim D, 김희정, Lee KH, Oh SJ, Jung YR, Kim UJ, Jeon S, Kwon SY, Kang SR, Lee HB, Hyun H, Kim SY, Moon KS, Lee S, Kang SJ, Min JJ.
Nature communications 14.919(20) 13(1):1926 / 2022.8 방사성의약품제조팀 35395822
Daphnetin inhibits α-MSH-induced melanogenesis via PKA and ERK signaling pathways in B16F10 melanoma cells
Nam G, An SK, 박인철, Bae S, Lee JH.
Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry BBB 2.043(20) 86(5):596-609 / 2022.4 방사선융합연구팀 35325017
DIX domain containing 1 (DIXDC1) modulates VEGFR2 level in vasculatures to regulate embryonic and postnatal retina angiogenesis
Kim Y, 김동영, Zhang H, Bae CR, Seong D, Kim Y, Song J, Kim YM, Kwon YG.
BMC biology 7.431(20) 20(1):41 / 2022 응용치료연구팀 35144597
Treosulfan-based conditioning regimen for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children with non-malignant diseases
서진경, Im HJ, Kang SH, Kim H, Choi ES, Koh KN.
Bone marrow transplantation 5.483(20) 57(4):681-684 / 2022.4 소아청소년과 35132202
Enhancement of Radiation Response Associated With Metformin in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Preclinical Animal and Clinical Cohort Study
장원일, 김미숙, 정재훈, Kim W, 김재성
Anticancer research 2.480(20) 42(2):867-876 / 2022 방사선종양학과 외 35093884